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Topping up your myKindo account

Admin —

So you can buy lunches, fundraisers and pay for items on your school account

Log in to your myKindo account, click on the little 'person' icon on the top right hand side - and either choose the top-up account option or top-up at the checkout when you make your next purchase.

  • POLi – links to internet banking - FEE FREE  Funds are instantly transferred.
  • Bank transfer – FEE FREE. Allow two days for processing of funds.  NOTE: Orders will not be placed until the funds have cleared.
  • Credit/Debit Card – will incur 2.5% surcharge and a 50c fee.  Funds are instantly transferred.

Personalised Accounts on Kindo

You can view and make payment on your personalised account, by clicking on the ‘Fees and Donations’ icon. You have the option of paying the amount in full or making a part payment on some items.

New Users can click here to set up your myKindo account.

Enter the email address the school has for you; choose a password and you’re done.

Already have an account? you can click here to login.

Need assistance? Our Kindo helpdesk is open 8am to 4pm weekdays.

Freephone: 0508 4 KINDO (0508 454 636) Email: hello@mykindo.co.nz

Online support: support.mykindo.co.nz