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Pegasus Bay School

Please be mindful of our staff and their personal downtime

Jared Kelly - June 28, 2022

We would really appreciate it if you could keep school-related questions or any issues that you need to talk to us about within our working time and on a professional platform.  

You can pop in and see us any time from 8.30am or straight after school - or phone and make an appointment to come and see us.  Alternatively, you can email (you can find all of our email addresses here: or phone and leave a message on 03 920 7000.  

It is not appropriate to make contact with staff about a school-related topic via their personal cell phone or social media accounts – please keep it on school email or school phone number.

A work-life balance is important for mental well-being and we would really appreciate it if sensitive school-related questions or issues were kept to our professional time rather than at the supermarket, the weekend or at busy school events.

To find out more about who does what and who to talk to, check our parent handbook (attached below).

Regards, Jared