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Pegasus Bay School

Digi Art by Rory by Róisín Anglesey

Rakahuri and Waikuku

Róisín Anglesey - August 11, 2022

Pepa, kutikuti or kōhatu?

Inquiry: The tamariki have been working hard to answer their inquiry questions posed at the start of the term. They have been looking at the different ways land is used in New Zealand. The children have applied this new knowledge by creating their own maps of Pegasus Bay and the surrounding areas. Using an ink style background the tamariki have added all the landmarks that are important to them. McDonalds and the playground are certainly very popular amongst the children! The team's next step is to study what this map was like before the school was built to develop their own local story.

Literacy: As part of the integrated inquiry the children have been exploring the of art story telling via narrative writing. The team have been reading lots of different stories including Wizard of Oz, Pete the Cat, The Gingerbread Man and The Taniwha to name but a few. The children have very much enjoyed listening to a range of stories and some have even started to create their own narrative pieces. If anyone has a favourite book or short story they would like share with the ALS please bring it in and the kaiako will read it at “Read and Feed” time.

PE: The tamariki have really enjoyed playing Net and Wall Games. They have been learning skills such as how to defend, attack and different throwing techniques. It was great to see some children continuing this learning out in the playground with a game of “Cops and Robbers”.

Buddies: The children are looking forward to another buddy session next week. The school value of ako will be in action as the learning will come from the little buddies when they teach the big buddies "pepa, kutikuti, kōhatu". The big buddies better watch out, there are some very competitive pepa, kutikuti, kōhatu players in Rakahuri and Waikuku.

Y3 Camp: All Y3 parents should have now received a notice from Miss Matthews either via Hero or in paper form. Please get in contact if you have not.

Newsletter Art: This week the newsletter art comes from Rory. Great to see both Rakahuri/Waikuku symbols being used and the white stars are great choice. A very unique piece of digi art.

Ngā mihi nui

The Junior Learning Team - Emily P, Sarah, Amanda, Rosalie, Emily M, Alison and Róisín.