Hero photograph
Photo by Penny Galway

Recycling glasses, plastic bread tags, old/foreign coins and can tabs = Responsible Consumption and Production SDG #12

Penny Galway —

Te Kura o Manga Kawari and our local Lions club have teamed up to become a collection point for items that can be collected. HUGE thanks to Tony, our caretaker for making the box and putting up the signage!

The Lions club is an international group who do a lot of volunteer mahi in our community.

You can bring

  • old/unused glasses

  • Plastic bread tags (careful, there are lots of cardboard ones on bread nowadays!)

  • Can Tabs (tops of cans)

  • old/foreign coins

So what happens to these items, once the Lions have collected them?

  • Spectacles/glasses – These are sent to processing centres where they are sorted, checked for scratches, cracks and screws tightened before being washed in an ultrasonic washer and dried. They then have their prescription recorded and are packed for delivery to Volunteer Ophthalmologist Services Overseas (VOSO) for distribution to those with poor eyesight in the Pacific Islands.

  • Plastic bread tags - They are sold to a manufacturer where they are used to make seedling trays. 200 kg of tags buys a wheelchair and by December 2017 665 wheelchairs had been given to those in need. This not only changes the life of the recipient but also makes a huge difference to those that care for them. (stat’s a little out of date)

  • Can-Tabs - Once the can tabs are collected, they are recycled and the funds raised are sent to the Kidney Kids Support Group of New Zealand that assists parents of children who have kidney disorders.

  • Old/Foreign Coins – These are redeemed for NZ dollars and are used to fund educational programmes for young New Zealanders who would otherwise not get the opportunities.

You will find this collection box in the drop-off zone on Solander Road (the gate near the Junior School)