Hero photograph
Photo by Simon Crawford

Week 10 - NToM and Taerutu

Simon Crawford —

Buddies, Planning and Athletics

Kia ora and welcome to the final week of our Covid disrupted term. 

It is always an exciting time of the term to see the hard work of the tamariki come together as their final learning outcomes and projects are shared within our kura. 

Monday sees the completion of our Global studies, with our 'Carmen Sandiego' games being completed, and given as challenges to others in the school to solve (including Mr Kelly).

Wednesday we are being visited by Peka Peka, so that we can share our stunning picture books with them. Our tamariki have the opportunity to read and show-off their created books to our junior school (which I know they are very excited about).

Thursday is our Term 4 planning day. All four homeroom teachers are out of class, to plan our extremely busy, yet exciting Term 4 programme, which includes camp, a brand new Maths programme, presentations from Foodstuff NZ and many other amazing experiences and learning opportunities. We are lucky have to four fantastic relievers taking our classes today.

Friday is the most exciting day though - it's Athletics Day. All of our tamariki will be involved with this, competing against each other, and in the case of the Year 5's, against qualifying standards to then represent Pegasus Bay School at zone level.

Enjoy the weekend as a whānau, and we will see you all on Monday.

Simon, Ella, Rachel and Jen.