Rachel Kelly — Jan 26, 2022

2022 here we come. We can't wait to see you all back and to hear all of your holiday stories.

Meet the team...

Shelagh Taylor - I feel we have an exciting year ahead and I look forward to getting to know my new class and everyone in our learning space. I am keen to develop science and sustainable goal skills this year with the tamariki. This links to the Science Academy I run with year 6-8 students on a Friday afternoon and my passion for science-related knowledge and problem-solving challenges we face every day. In my spare time, I love to spend time outdoors, running, playing on the water on my paddle board, and exploring new waterways. 

Todd Henderson - Kia ora everyone! I am very excited to be starting my second year here at Pegasus Bay and can't wait to get into it! I am looking forward to another busy year and connecting with you all. A little bit about myself, I am a huge sports fan and very passionate about all things to do with it! I love hanging with my family especially my gorgeous we dog Millie! Bring on another interesting year! Ka kite. 

Dan Perriam - Kia ora! This is my second year at Pegasus Bay School and I am thoroughly looking forward to joining the Manga Kawiri team. I had the pleasure to get to know some of the tamariki earlier in 2021 through relieving and I look forward to continue this in 2022. A little bit about myself, I love to watch and play a variety of sports, especially football and basketball. My favourite teams are Manchester United and the Boston Celtics. Ka kite ano.

Sonya Faisst - Kia ora e te whānau! I'm really excited to have another year in Maungatere. I feel really lucky to have taught many of the new Year 6's previously as Year 4's.  A little bit about me: I live at Waikuku Beach with my whānau and love walking our dog Kiri along the beach.  Surfing is a big part of our lives also. Te ao Māori is a huge passion of mine and I love how our tamariki are using more reo in their everyday lives. Ngā mihi.

Rachel Kelly - Kia ora e te whānau. I'm excited for another year in the senior school! I really got into fitness this summer and I have enjoyed being so close to our beach and going for walks around the lake. My passion is in digital technology but i also love anything creative! Bring on 2022!

Our Teacher Assistants joining our team this year are;

Liz Bowen, Alison Scarlett and Rosalie Proud!

What you need to know for the first week...

If the children could please bring in all of their stationery on day one. They will need a named pencil case. In the senior school the children are in charge of all of their own pens and pencils so it would be great if these are all named also. Don't worry about labelling the front of the books - we will do this in the first morning. 

The children's lockers are outside the learning space and they can choose one. They can store their lunch boxes inside on a hot day. 

All of the children will have a named box to put their things in. This will be ready for them in their homeroom space. 

The children will need:

A hat, a drink bottle and also a mask!

Coming up...

Technology at Kaiapoi Borough School for the year 7s starts in week three (Tuesday the 15th) and will be every second Tuesday from then. You will receive information around the tech centre next week. The most important things are: That the children are at school by 8.45am on the Tuesdays. They need to have their hair tied back and they will need closed toes shoes. 

Year 6 cycle sense! This is a fantastic programme where the children learn road safety rules when riding their bikes.  You will receive information and a permission slip soon. The children will need to bring their own bike and helmet for this and we will inform you soon as to which days your child are on. 

Science Academy information - This is open to all year 6 - 8 students who are interested. 

The science academy is a group of students who are interested in science and the environment. We meet once a week, leaving school at 1:00 with drink bottles, hats and masks to travel on our bikes to our ‘Biota Node’ down at Pegasus Bay beach. A biota node is a place where flora and fauna of the geographical area meet at an intersection or in this case pond, (Man-made or natural). Our biota node is in its infancy with limited planting surrounding the node. Endangered mud fish have been introduced to the node and have been cared for and checked at regular intervals.Part of the Science Academy is to continue to develop our biota node and learn about the flora and fauna of our area. We do have opportunities to do scientific tests i.e. water clarity,saline content, etc. We check out traps that are aimed to catch pests in the most humane way possible. We may meet with vets, water experts, rangers, and a whole lot of otherexperts. This is a  brief outline into the Science Academy and it would be great if your child is interested in science or the environment to come along and find things out for themselves. Shelagh Taylor

We are spending the first week in our homerooms getting to know each other and the back to school routines! 

Enjoy the last few days of the summer break and we will see the children on Tuesday. 

Rachel, Todd, Dan, Sonya & Shelagh