Hero photograph

Parent Helpers & Volunteers

Rachel Robinson —

We've just updated our parent handbook to include a section on parent helpers and volunteers - just to clarify how it works at our kura

We do really appreciate our volunteers - honestly, without your help we'd be unable to offer as many rich learning opportunities or participate in as many sports as we do.  Thank you! 

You are welcome, and encouraged, to come forward and share your talents and time with us.

Here are some of the areas where your regular help is appreciated:

  • Working in an ALS and helping with the class programmes;
  • Road patrol duties (3pm until 3.20pm – 2.45 until 3.05 on a Friday);
  • Listening to children read / re-filing junior reader books;
  • Preparing teacher resources and keeping our kitchen / art space organised.

All volunteers who are regularly in an ALS, supporting Waiswim or Beach Ed in the changing rooms, or who are attending an overnight activity are required to be police vetted. A police vet can take up to six weeks to be processed.

If you’d like to volunteer regularly at school, or offer your assistance in any area, please contact us (Di Murphy or Rachel Robinson) or one of our teaching team.  Let us know how you’re keen to help and your availability – and we’ll take it from there!

From time to time there are ad hoc activities that require extra support and we'll put a call out in the newsletter asking for help. This could be things like:

  • Coaching/managing of sports teams
  • Helping with trips and events
  • Helping with art and craft activities
  • Making teacher resources
  • Helping on working bees
  • Assisting with fundraising

Our parent code of conduct applies while onsite at school or at another venue where students and/or staff are assembled for school purposes (such as a camp or sports match).

We also have a newly created "Being a volunteer at Pegasus Bay" information sheet which sets out some of the basic expectations for our volunteers.  This will be provided to volunteers per event, and is available on our website - and attached below for information.

If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer -  please get in touch!

Regards, Jared