Hero photograph
We are waka builders and navigators!
Photo by Juanita Kneale

Peka Peka

Juanita Kneale —

Time is certainly flying by in Peka Peka and we have passed the halfway mark for the first term of 2023!

Library Books: Library day has been changed to Friday afternoons. Please ensure you keep library books (and poetry books) in reading folders to look after them. Remember you can return them to the green box if required.

MNP: We have been working on number knowledge to10 and will continue with this next week in a variety of ways including through play based activities that get us outside for maths. There are many counting principles children need to master in order to understand and work with our number system.. It is important these principles are fully embedded to move children on from reciting the number names by rote to applying them in their counting activities.

Structured Literacy: Ākonga have been doing a great job getting into the routine of our Literacy rotations. This week our whole class focus has been on the letter Pp and rhyme. You can help your tamariki build their skills to hear and make rhyme at home by identifying rhyming words in the stories you read.

Inquiry: Our timeline exploring the history of Aotearoa is underway. This week we learned how New Zealand was first founded through the legend of Kupe and the Giant Te Wheke. Ask your child to retell it to you! We have also been building waka, making stars and clouds to add to our timeline and illustrate the traditional navigational methods of the first people.

Buddies: Our Buddies Program with the Year 8’s is underway. Cooking and our school garden-with a focus on  SDG 2: No Poverty and SDG 3: Health and Well being, digital technology and art projects are just some of the rotations ākonga will be completing. This is a great way to get to know our big buddies who we will continue to work with throughout the year.

As part of our buddies program, Mrs Kneale is completing an art project that requires each child to bring a plastic bottle. Please bring a clean plastic bottle that is about the size of a shampoo or dishwashing liquid bottle.


  • 2.45pm pick up on a Friday

  • Drink bottles every day

  • Hats are compulsory in Term 1

  • Please name all items

  • We have a very full lost property box in our space-please come and check it!

  • Shoes children can take on and off themselves

  • No toys at school

  • Library day- Friday

  • Poetry books- Friday

Enjoy your weekend,

Sally, Juanita, Penny, Ella and Alison