by Micky Brosnan

From the Board of Trustees

Scottie YoungApril 13, 2022

Kia Ora to all our school whanau

We hope this email finds you and your families well. We know that it has been a tricky time for a lot of you as you have battled with covid and all the effects of it. We are hoping that we are through the worst of it and can look forward to more normality in the coming days and weeks.

Covid has been an ever-changing beast and we want to say that we think the staff team at Pegasus Bay have done an outstanding job in response. Throughout the sometimes daily changes, our teaching and support staff have continued to provide our children with excellent teaching and learning as well as an environment in which they feel safe and can have fun whilst learning. From the BoT we want to say a huge thank you to the staff for caring so much for our children and going the extra mile for them in such an unprecedented time in the education sector.

There has been a lot of talk in the media about the poor literacy rates among children in New Zealand. For the last 2 years our staff have been implementing the Structured Literacy program. This has taken much time and professional development, but we are pleased to say that the results have been fantastic and it is great to be ahead of the national curve in this area. Well done to all the staff and children for their great results.

Along with the new literacy program we have also started a new program in Mathematics called Maths No Problem. The whole school has changed over to this program, and we have seen the kids jump onboard. There is a real confidence that this program works extremely well and as it is continued to be used and built on each year, we believe that we will continueto see excellent results in the children’s learning in maths.

Lots of you possibly haven’t been into school for a while due to restrictions so we thought we would update you on some changes. We now have some fantastic new play areas for the kids. We have some brand new colourful slides and some climbing blocks for the more adventurous. We love seeing the school grow and develop with new equipment that the children love playing with.

With the Easter break, ANZAC weekend and the school holidays approaching, we hope that you will be able to take some time to relax, recuperate and reboot as we look forward to a slightly more normal rest of the year. We really value our school community and look forward to reconnecting more in the coming terms.

From your Board of Trustees

Nga mihi aroha

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