Aron Harris: Busy learning new skills in the community helping him to grow in both confidence and independence.
Aron is in his last year at Pitau-Allenvale. He has tried many different experiences over the years and has found the thing that interests him: cooking.
Aron has shown a real flair for cooking and he obviously enjoys it.
During class cooking sessions Aron has shown that he is able to independently follow a recipe, create easy meals and make a variety of baked goods.
Last year Aron gave me the most delicious Christmas cake he had baked in a gorgeous wee tin. It was delightful and I was very reluctant to share it!
This term Aron has worked for a short stint in an apprenticeship position, one morning a week at Hell's Pizza, Rolleston. He has been squirting the sauces, cutting up vegetables, filling the mayonnaise containers and making up boxes. Aron has really enjoyed his time there.
At Learn Active Aron has been trying a number of different sporting activities such as paddleboarding, surfing and boogie boarding.
In the past Aron has worked at Healthy Harvest where he has been packing fruit and vegetables every week.
Aron also attends cooking with Rita, who runs her own private company called My Home Chef where he has honed his skills and making a wide variety of meals.
At home Aron usually cooks the family meal and is also great on the barbeque. We are very proud of you Aron!