Hero photograph

Busy days in Takere Hub 3

Liz Jane —

The first half of Term 1 has whizzed by in a blur of fun and laughter for the students and staff in Takere.

Our days are filled with so many fun activities, both inside and outside of the classroom that it is hard to believe we are already halfway through the term!

On Mondays we have several students participate in swimming at Burwood Hydrotherapy pool. On Tuesdays two students attend gymnastics at the Chch School of Gymnastics. Wednesdays see one of our students go to RDA. And then Thursdays and Fridays have community outings for several groups of students, which might be a trip to a local playground, or a supermarket to buy cooking ingredients, or even somewhere exciting like Riverside Market or Willowbank!

And then somewhere in between all of those adventures we manage to squeeze in a whole lot of learning in class too! Our topic this term is Kiwiana and we are weaving that through our art, cooking, music, and even literacy and numeracy.

Phew - what a busy fun time we have every day! And we are looking forward to seeing what the second half of the term will bring too.