Hero photograph

Celebrating a Fantastic Year in Te Tauihu

Carrie Aldridge —

2024 has been a year of learning, laughter, and growth.

As the year comes to a close, we want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey we’ve had together in Te Tauihu. It’s been a busy and rewarding year filled with learning, exploration, and growth.

Community Outings
Our regular community outings have been a highlight for many of our students. From walks in local parks to exploring nearby shops, these trips have given students the chance to build social skills and experience the wider world around them. These outings have been a fantastic way to encourage independence and confidence in our students.

Big Fun Gym
The Big Fun Gym has remained a favourite destination! Our sessions there are always filled with laughter and excitement as students develop their motor skills, coordination, and confidence while tackling new physical challenges. It’s been a joy to see their enthusiasm and progress each visit.

Communication continues to be at the heart of everything we do. Students have worked hard to express their needs, wants, and feelings through a variety of tools, including devices, visuals, and gestures. It’s been inspiring to see their growth in this vital area, and we’re excited to continue building on these achievements next year.

Art and Cooking
Our creative sessions have been full of colour and fun, with students expressing themselves through various art projects. Cooking has been another favourite, where students have practiced following steps, exploring new ingredients, and tasting their delicious creations. These activities not only build practical skills but also provide opportunities for teamwork and sensory exploration.

Farewelling Our Graduates
This year, we say goodbye to three of our wonderful students who are graduating and moving on to exciting new opportunities. Their time in Te Tauihu has been filled with growth, and we are so proud of all they have achieved. We wish them luck, success, and happiness in the next chapter of their journeys.

Thank You
We’d like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the whānau for your ongoing support this year. It’s been a privilege to work with your tamariki and be part of their learning journey.

As we look forward to a well-deserved break, we’re excited for what 2025 will bring. Have a safe and restful holiday season, and we’ll see you all in the new year!