Mind over matter
Rauawa has been exploring the different states of matter.
Rauawa has been exploring the different states of matter. As part of our investigations, ngā tauira - the students experimented with ice, water, and oobleck.
They used all their senses and many of their skills to determine what happens to ice when salt and water are added. To help their observations, food dye was added to the water so that they could see if the added water froze to or melted the ice. The students especially enjoyed using the syringes to shoot the water at the ice, experimenting with pushing the plungers at different speeds to see if force changed the outcome.
On another day, ngā tauira - the students made and explored the properties of the enigmatic oobleck. The oobleck was a sensory experience as it morphed from solid to liquid and back again. Students used their hands and eyes to explore how it oozed between their fingers or trickled off spoons.