Celebrating Successes
We have just had our prize giving ceremony. Ian, our Principal; and Jenny, our Deputy Principal were on hand to help give out awards.
Our family atmosphere and caring attitudes start right at the top with Ian and Jenny, who are fully involved with all children and families. There was a terrific turnout of family members and it was lovely to see parents standing with their child to receive an award. At Pitau-Allenvale success can look a little different, as it's not always academically based. We ask our children to strive to their potential in staying healthy and safe, showing self care skills, allowing peers to join in play and building resilience to adapt and try new things. We wrapped up the event with refreshments and playtime in the playground.
As it's the final newsletter of the year, teachers from Nest 2 would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season. We look forward to seeing you in 2024 at our brand new school!