Specialist Programmes
Allenvale School offers students a number of specialist programmes to support their learning.
Kapa haka group is an extension of our Te Reo Maori and Tikanga Maori programme, and performs every second year in the Christchurch Cultural Festival.
As a school we are committed to extending the level of te reo in our school, with staff professional development, signage and inclusion in all class programmes. Each week a number of classes gather for a whakahuihui. Music and movement is featured and students are encouraged to use poi and engage in Maori action songs.
At least once a term we invite classes from other special schools to participate with Allenvale School.
All students at our school have access to computers to enhance their learning. As part of the Burnside Cluster of schools, Allenvale have embarked on a Digital Learning with a Technology MOE initiative run by CORE Education. This is a major focus for our school. All teachers have iPads, and all classes have to desktops for their exclusive use. Our Senior students including those at our Tertiary Education Centre TEC have access to a suite of computers and Chromebooks. All students are encouraged to become as independent as possible with ICT, and this often involves them completing community based computing courses as part of their curriculum.
All classes have access to data projectors or interactive whiteboards, which allows the teacher to provide the class with access to interactive websites. Further, for classes who have students with more complex needs, data projectors are used for developing communication skills through programmes such as Writing with Symbols, Clicker and international sites such as Priory Woods. We are also trialling the use of VR and AR with our students.
RDA (Riding for the Disabled)
We have a group of students attending RDA every week. The children participate for a year and not only get enjoyment, but improve their physical skills too. The benefits of RDA include:
- Balance and co-ordination, posture and muscle tone.
- Perception and spatial awareness.
- Communication and social skills.
- Independence and encourages decision making.
- Concentration, self discipline and self – esteem.
The BOT has supported all students to receive two terms of swimming programmes.
It is seen as very important that all our students develop water confidence. Senior students participate in our school swimming sports and Special Olympics ribbon days. For junior students with sensory needs and autism the swimming programme occurs in as quiet a venue as possible indoors and well heated.
Instruction is on a 1:1 basis for those students.
We are a recognised ‘Sportsmark’ school with SPARC and participate in the Special Olympics ribbon days.
Physical fitness and sport are seen as very important to our students’ wellbeing. Our school has a dedicated sports coordinator on the staff who oversees a wide range of opportunities.