Hero photograph

Celebration and then Vacation!

Jo Sturgeon —

We have an incredible group of young students in Taumanu-Hub 1. Some have now completed their second year while others have just zoomed through a first.

Predictability can be important to our children so we try really hard to maintain expectations and routines that underpin our day. Eating as a large group at the kai table has been a huge achievement, with our students collecting their kai boxes, drink bottles, finding their personalised placemats and knowing that their chairs are for sitting. We can celebrate classroom circle times, being alongside peers, sharing AAC, being seated and able to focus on regulating, learning and communicating. Without these daily tools as a framework it would be difficult to introduce the more flexible parts of our day where learning changes and activities can look different each week. So congratulations to our students and staff, we celebrate your achievements and the hard work behind them. A holiday lurks ahead and then a warm welcome to new students who will have great role models and routines to ensure a smooth transition. 

Happy Holidays from Taumanu Hub 1!