Transition from School
Pītau-Allenvale has a dedicated Transition Team that works with students, whānau, class teams and agencies like Enabling Good Lives to ensure every student has a post-school life that is as purposeful, connected, healthy and independent as possible.
Our Goal
For every Pītau-Allenvale learner to have a post-school life that is as purposeful, connected, healthy and independent as possible
Key concepts:
Purposeful - a reason to get out of bed everyday. A life that is full of opportunities to make contributions to the community and create a sense of self worth.
Connected - with friends, whānau, their community and a romantic partner
Healthy - based on Te Whare Tapa Wha, i.e. emotionally, physically, spiritually, socially, connected with the land/whēnua
Independent - for students to be empowered with as much agency as possible and accessing the community as independently as possible
Transition Process
The journey starts in the year the student turns 15. It begins with the transition team and class team helping the student and their whānau identify strengths and areas of interest for the future.
From aged 15 to graduation (often at 21) we continue to work alongside students and whānau to progress through a range of milestones that break the transition journey into manageable steps.
Student/whānau voice, adaptation and responsiveness are keys to this process. Effective collaboration is another critical factor and the transition journey often involves working with other agencies such as Enabling Good Lives.
The transition process is implemented through the creation of an Individualised Transition Plan (ITP). This is a working document that evolves during the time a student is at school and becomes a vehicle to the next stage in their life. It becomes more specific and focussed as the student moves closer to their last year at school.
Our Team
Ingrid North-Coombes - Transition Lead Teacher
Jann Mcgregor - Transition Coordinator
How it happens
Ingrid, Jann and their team support class programmes and provide a variety of additional community-based options for students that may include:
- Work experience, e.g. St Vincent de Paul
- Volunteer work, e.g. mailouts for Canterbury Public Health
- Further Education, e.g. Supported Learning through ARA
- Access to Community Facilities, e.g. independent gym programmes
- Developing Living Skills, e.g. cooking programmes
- Supporting Recreation options, e.g. Art Metro
- Connection to Community-based clubs, e.g. Special Olympics Basketball
Many community placements are supported by our staff and sometimes students attend workplaces independently.
Further detail about our process and how it happens is coming soon - so watch this space!
For further information call Ingrid and Jann today on: 022 066 8358