by Jo Sturgeon

Happy Holidays Ahead!

Jo SturgeonDecember 3, 2022

It is great to reflect on 2022 for our 5 & 6 year old students. They have literally grown and grown.

Our class team, Emily, Salote and myself have been privileged to be alongside our students from their hesitant first visits, through piles of sensory materials and pools of water play to joining circle time, picking up a marker, and enjoying the company of peers. 

It is truly satisfying to see our children ‘own’ their environment and confidently navigate their day at school. We recognise and appreciate the love and hard work our whanau put in at home and value the partnerships we have with parents. Our student’s achievements belong to the whole family. 

Next year brings changes for both students and staff and we look forward to seeing their skills grow in new classrooms. Everyone has earned a relaxing break, we wish you all happy holidays ahead.

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