Sonja Smith — October 21, 2024
Welcome to Term 4! Its been wonderful to see Hiwi students back at school. We have had a positive start to the term with lots of fun activties for everyone to engage in.
Students have enjoyed spending time outside now that the weather is warmer. Water and sensory play is high on the list of favourite activities for Hiwi students!
This term some students will be participating in swimming at Burwood Pool, biking and gymnastics at the Christchurch School of Gymnastics. Athletic sports are also planned for later in the term. Nathan will be coming in to spend some time with students with his digitech sessions, which are also very popular.
Students will be continuing to work on their individual goals, communication and regulation skills.
Our end of year prize giving will be held in Manawa on 4th December at 9:30am. We hope to see you all there!