Cooking for Success

Liz KirkwoodOctober 16, 2024

Cooking is a fantastic functional life skill to learn, you can link in the maths and english curriculum, as well as teaching valuable social skills.

In Outreach it is important to focus on functional skills as well as the core curriculum areas. I have been cooking with a group of students as part of a social group.

The group is learning lots of different cooking skills such as cutting, grating, mixing, pouring, measuring, reading recipes, and how to work an oven.

The students are working on fractions in class, this links in well with the group identifying different size measuring cups and spoons.

Procedural writing has been a focus in class, which also links into cooking. The group has created and written their favourite recipes to try out.

As well as developing the skills above, the group is learning important social skills like sharing, taking turns, waiting, listening, and co-operating with each other to follow a recipe and cook food.

It has been wonderful seeing how proud the students are when they have cooked something. As a bonus they can take it home and share with their families.

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