Exploring Fun with Shapes and Colors: How Math Brightens Everyday Life Through Repetition and Variation

Leanne AdamsonOctober 20, 2024

Discover how maths brightens everyday life with colorful shapes, patterns and puzzles!

Maths surrounds us every day! From counting the petals on a flower to measuring ingredients for your favorite cookies, maths is always around us.

There are numerous ways to play with shapes and colours that stimulate the mind. Whether you're matching patterns or arranging blocks of different sizes, maths is there.

Our trip to the park this week was around finding circles in the playground. Take every opportunity to notice the symmetry in a butterfly's wings, match the colours of pegs, or count the items when setting the table. When you walk along the street look at numbers on letterboxes, count steps, or discuss big and small.

In Rauawa we incorporate maths in everyday activities and provide maths activities that offer repetition of a learning concept in a variety of different ways.

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