Michelle King — November 17, 2024
Help! My young person is repeatedly tapping buttons and repeating words and messages on their AAC system!
A common question our SLTs hear is, "how can I stop my young person from stimming on their AAC?".
Many of our young people repeat messages on their AAC systems. They may go to the same folders and vocabulary over and over again. They may say things that do not seem to fit the situation. They may repeat words and phrases, over and over, to themselves.
There are many reasons young people may be repeating messages on their AAC systems. It is not always self-stimulatory. These reasons can include; communication, exploration, language development, echolalia, scripting and "stimming".
The following are suggestions for supporting you young person with repeated button pressing:
assume communicative intent (and respond accordingly/appropriately to the message)
expand on their messages (if possible, via their device, another device or system)
create time and space for exploration (consider teaching your young person how to turn the volume down during these times)
avoid removing the system (the young person's voice)
Read more about repeated button pressing in this helpful article by Assistiveware.