The End of a Busy and Fun-Filled Year for Takare Seniors!
With the end of the school year in sight, we take a look back and reflect on our 2024 journey.
Looking through all our photos of the year that has been, it is astounding to see just how much the students have accomplished.
Some of the highlights have been:
Our outings to: Otautahi beaches and parks, The Southern Centre, Arion Farm, Christchurch Art Gallery, The Air Force Museum and the Fire Service Department at Christchurch Airport.
Sporting events: - Swim Sports at Burwood and our School Athletics at Kendal.
Integrated topics: Fairy Tales and Traditional Stories, Our Māori Waka, Transport and At the Beach.
A big part of our year has also been dedicated to working through the SPEC Headway Sensory Module in Creativity. This provided the opportunity for our students to experience learning in a meaningful sensory way, using their senses to participate in a range of activities that they were able to enjoy and achieve success in. All of the Takare Senior students were awarded a well deserved certificate in this module. Ka pai!
It has been a fun, productive and happy year with lots of laughter along the way. We would like to thank everyone that has supported our students in their learning journeys.
Meri Kirihimete and a happy and safe holiday with your whānau.