Megan Gare — December 17, 2024
Merry Christmas Everyone!
As the year draws to a close, I want to reflect on the wonderful time we've had in Pukeko class (Pītau Rapa). It's been a year filled with fun, laughter, and lots of learning. Our focus on ‘creatures’ and ‘kiwiana’ has led to exciting outings, where we discovered fascinating facts and created beautiful artworks together.
It's been a joy to see our students grow in independence, making strides in their daily living skills, and becoming more connected as a class. Taking them into the community and watching them demonstrate responsibility and positive behaviour has been truly rewarding.
The final weeks of Christmas activities have been a highlight, and I hope the surprise presents bring joy to our caregivers!
I will miss our wonderful students and Teacher Assistants dearly and wish them all the best as they continue their journeys.