Staff Changes
We have a number of staff changes heading in to 2025
A number of staff are departing at the end of this year.
Ian Poulter (Principal) is retiring.
Graeme Eastwood (18 years) is moving to be Deputy Principal at Christchurch South Karamata Intermediate.
Megan Gare after (23 years) is moving to Ferndale Te Ahu.
Both Graeme and Megan have given many years of great service to our school and their contribution to the success of our school is to be acknowledged.
Mhairi Joll is moving to Darfield High School.
Leanne Adamson is moving to Kaiapoi Borough.
Victoria Jermyn is taking a break from teaching.
Jo Sturgeon is moving to the Lighthouse in Rangiora.
Aimee Blackler is moving to Wharenui School.
Teacher aides Annabelle Priddy and Natalya Weir are off to full time study in 2025.
Jackie Hancock and Noor Zaid are leaving.
We welcome a number of new staff in 2025:
Janine Harrington (Principal)
Jenaya Harris, Nick Wee, Leah Phillips, Georgina Trotman (Teachers)
Nami Arita, Lucy Hallett, Lauren Kennedy, Charlotte Seddon (Teacher Aides)