Hero photograph
Photo by Joanne Williams

Stationery for 2023

Joanne Williams —

We have been working hard over the past few weeks to find stationery that meets the learning needs of our students and teachers, and is also cost effective. We are excited to let you know that we have sourced the cheapest suitable quality learning materials that meet the needs of your children and our school.

For 2023, as a change of practice, we are offering two choices for purchasing and ordering stationery. 

Option 1 You can purchase your child's stationery on line and have it delivered to your home. We will provide you with the link details for this, on Friday 9th December. 

Option 2 You can order your child's stationery via this form, and collect it from school in January before school begins. Dates and times available for collection will be sent home on Friday 9th December.

Could all families with students attending Pleasant Point Primary in 2023 please complete the following google form to let us know your preference.  Could this form please be completed by Friday 9th December.

Thanks for your help and support.
