Hero photograph
Photo by Accounts Point Primary

Welcome Luke Robb!

Principal Point Primary —

We are excited to have Luke Robb - a new graduate student joining our Point Primary team in 2022. Here's a brief introduction from him...

Tenā koutou katoa e te whānau

Kō Aoraki te māunga whakaruruhau

Ko Ōtākaro te awa e rere

Ko Strathallan te waka

Nō Ōtautahi ahau

I tipu ake ahau ki Te tihi o maru raua ki Pleasant Point.

I ako ahau i Ōtepoti

Ko Andrew Robb tōku matua

Ko Suellen Smith tōku whaea

Ko Luke Robb tōku ingoa

He kaiaki ahau

Nō reira tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, katoa

Kia ora, my name is Luke Robb, and I am excited to be a new teacher at your kura in 2022. I was originally born in Christchurch however my parents are both from Pleasant Point and we came here every summer for a holiday. After the Christchurch Earthquakes, our home was red zoned, so we moved to a house in Levels Valley, and I completed high school at Roncalli College. This year I finish at Otago University with a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Theatre and a Masters in Teaching and Learning. I am thrilled to be able to start my teaching career at Pleasant Point 

I am passionate about the Arts. Growing up experiences like drama and the performing arts gave me the opportunity to explore my creativity, build my confidence, and become the strong individual I am today. In Dunedin I was lucky to be able to perform in the Musical Theatre Dunedin’s production of Wicked, 2019, and Les Misérables, 2021, and I am excited to reconnect with my roots of theatre next year in the South Canterbury Drama League. Aside from arts I love to stay active and enjoy playing rugby, touch, and badminton with my friends or going for a swim in the river. 

I really excited to be able to have a classroom of my own next year and be able to work with them on their journey through primary school, helping them to grow and become successful individuals. I am passionate about making sure every student feels comfortable in the classroom and can express a little of who they are throughout their education.

Ahakoa iti, he pounamu. Although it is small, it is of greenstone.

Our children are our future, we must look after them and keep them safe.