2022 Kāhui Ako (Community of Learning)

Melissa Halvorsen & Hinemoa Greenaway —

For the second half of the year, Hinemoa Greenaway has taken on the role of Pleasant Point Primary School’s Kura Collaborator, alongside Melissa Halvorsen.

Within our school we currently have two things underway that will continue for the remainder of the year. Some kaiako are investigating an evidence based teacher coaching profile, with the view of providing coaching throughout the school further down the track. Alongside this, Hinemoa and Melissa are working towards completing a cultural review of our school’s structures, systems and curriculum, and are currently at the stage of collecting feedback from staff, students, whānau and the Board of Trustees.

Firstly, thank you very much for any feedback you have already provided us with. It is important that the data we collect is representative of our whole school community. From the Parent Consultation survey that was sent home earlier in the term, it is evident that:

  • A lot of our whānau are unsure of how our Māori community are involved in planning and governance.

  • Some parents are interested in more communication around our school’s planning process.

Once we have collected feedback from each part of our school community, we will begin to analyse the data, and then provide some suggested next steps for the school. Again, thank you for your ongoing support and feedback.

“Strengthen our Te Tihi-o-maru community through collaboration.”

Melissa Halvorsen and Hinemoa Greenaway

PPPS Kura Collaborators