Hero photograph
Year 13 Mentors
Photo by PNBHS

Year 13 Junior Mentors


Mentoring is a time-proven strategy that can help young people of all circumstances achieve their potential. A junior Mentor’s primary responsibility is to form positive relationships with the young men in their junior form class. They join that form class for roll call three mornings per week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and attend Silent Sustained Reading (SSR) once per week.

Thank you to those who have already signed up as a junior mentor for 2021. You should have already received an email with a letter of thanks and an information sheet attached. To those still interested in becoming a junior mentor please note that there is no cut-off date for applications. If you are interested in becoming a mentor please see Mr. Pinder, or Mr. Lobb.

Below are some important dates and related details to help

you plan for the start of 2021:

Monday, February 1 – Senior course confirmation (9.00am to 12.30pm). Mentors to see Mr. Lobb to collect further information.

Wednesday, February 3 –First day for senior students. At the conclusion of club meetings (11.15am) all Mentors to meet with Mr Pinder and Mr Lobb in the Little Theatre.

Thursday, February 4 – New entrant assembly (9.00am) - Mentors will join the rest of the school in the Hall to welcome the year 9 students.