Hero photograph
Detective Inspector Scott Beard
Photo by PNBHS

PNBHS Old Boys Dinner, Friday 15th September. What another great Old Boys' night that was.

Rachel Wenham —

Thanks to all who came along and enjoyed a great night, Thank you Detective Inspector Scott Beard for coming along and being a part of the evening.

We enjoyed a great night in the College House Dining Hall on Friday night. The company was awesome, great to see so many young and old, old boys, mingling and mixing, it is important for us to engage a good spread of generations at our old boys' events. Thanks so much to those who came along to our old boys' dinner we love seeing you all.

Thank you Detective Scott Beard for coming along and sharing your job and life with us, it was so good to listen to many of your stories and for us to appreciate just how tough you line of work is, the pressure of the job, the pressure from our media, the personal sacrifices you have to make and the sadness that goes alongside many of your cases, the satisfaction of achieving the right outcome in cases must be important in your work life balance. You held our attention for a good two hours, thank you for sharing parts of your career with us. It was great to have you back at PNBHS and we hope you enjoyed coming along and catching up with a few of your contemporaries.

Thank you to Rod Grieve, MC extraordinaire who did a superb job taking on the role of MC for the evening, highly entertaining !!

Don't forget to support our upcoming events:

Old Boys' Sports Day - Friday October 20th

Old Boys in Wellington  - Wednesday October and 25th

Sports Hall of Fame - Friday October 27th

Old Boys in Sydney - Wednesday 8th November

Old Boys in Melbourne - Friday 10th November

Enjoy some photos from the dinner:

David Brougham, Alec McKay, Allan Bailey — Image by: PNBHS
Alan Savell, Dave Findlay, Caleb O'Neill , Angus Findlay — Image by: PNBHS
George Birch, Thomas Hoggart, Simon O'Connor, Darcy Ainsworth, Jack Knightbridge — Image by: PNBHS
David Brougham, Alec McKay, Alan Savell, Alan Bailey — Image by: Rachel Wenham
John Winter, Bruce Kensington,  Scott Beard, Ash Hazlett — Image by: PNBHS
David Webb, John Whitehead, Douglas Russell, Stuart Leighton, Peter Smith — Image by: Rachel Wenham
Douglas Russell, Stuart Leighton, Peter Smith, Ian Rowe — Image by: PNBHS
Alec Astle, Peter Justice, Hamish Campbell, Craig Rowe — Image by: PNBHS
Rolf Leenards, Duncan Rowe, Rodney Grieve — Image by: PNBHS
Gary Wenham, Owen Greig — Image by: PNBHS
Geoff Shannon, John Naylor — Image by: PNBHS
Craigh McDonald, Alan Buchanan — Image by: PNBHS
Glen Campbell, Ian Grant, Howie Pinder, Hamish Crosse, Philip Ropiha — Image by: PNBHS
Peter Johns, Ben Pratt, David Bovey, Grant Smith — Image by: PNBHS
Mike O'Connor, Alan Cull, Craig Hart — Image by: Rachel Wenham
Matt Cheri, Jason Fletcher — Image by: PNBHS
Mark Leighton, Liam Edmunds — Image by: PNBHS
Derek McFee, Tom Meads — Image by: PNBHS
David Shand, Gerry Atkin, Denis Duffy — Image by: PNBHS
Bar men for the night Jaeden Shaw and Jack Wenham — Image by: PNBHS
Alan Savell, Stuart Leighton, Alec Astle — Image by: PNBHS
Dave Findlay — Image by: PNBHS
Craig Hart - proposed the toast to the school — Image by: PNBHS
A Toast to PNBHS — Image by: PNBHS
Douglas Russell - Roll call time — Image by: PNBHS
Douglas Russell - Calling the Roll — Image by: PNBHS
John Winter — Image by: PNBHS
Alec McKay, John Whitehead, Ian Grant — Image by: PNBHS
Mark Leighton, Matt Cherie, Jason Fletcher — Image by: PNBHS
Peter Smith,David Webb, Douglas Russell, John Winter, Scott Beard, Bruce Kensington, Ash Hazlett, Peter Justice, Ian Rowe — Image by: PNBHS
Hamish Campbell, Craig Rowe, Duncan Rowe, Rod Grieve, Tom Meads, Derek McFee, Denis Duffy — Image by: PNBHS
Philip Ropiha, Glen Campbell, Gerry Atkin, Howie Pinder, standing Ian Grant, Craigh McDonald, Alan Buchanan — Image by: PNBHS
Jack Knightbridge, Liam Edmond, Alan Cull, Simon O'Connor, George Birch — Image by: PNBHS
Mike O'Connor, OB Patron - Alan Cull — Image by: PNBHS
Rod Grieve, The Mayor - Grant Smith — Image by: PNBHS
Rodney Grieve - MC for the night — Image by: PNBHS
Jayden Shaw, Jack Wenham — Image by: PNBHS
Ash Hazlett, Jaeden Shaw — Image by: PNBHS
Bruce Kensington. Intoducing Scott Beard — Image by: PNBHS
Detective Inspector Scott Beard — Image by: PNBHS
John Winter, Detective Inspector Scott Beard — Image by: PNBHS
John Winter - Thanking Scott Beard — Image by: PNBHS