Welcome Back for Term Three
We look forward to welcoming your son back to school on Monday 20 July for the beginning of Term III.
I hope your son has enjoyed a relaxing and refreshing holiday break and we look forward to welcoming him back to school on Monday for the beginning of Term III.
This term will be an extremely busy one for all young men. The winter sports season is underway with more than 1,100 young men registered to be involved, the full gamut of cultural activities will continue, young men studying at NCEA level will have a full internal assessment workload as well as school examinations towards the end of the term and junior students will soon have their half-year option changes and begin study in new curriculum areas.
While it is important that we continue to be mindful of the impact that the lockdown has had on young men and whānau, we also need to look forward and work to ensure that students are able to achieve their goals this year. Academic progress and achievement will depend upon young men’s effective organisation and time management, timely communication with teachers, and most importantly, genuine effort with classwork, homework and assessment tasks.
Parent/Teacher Interviews are scheduled for early term three – Monday, 3 August; Thursday, 6 August; Monday, 10 August – and these will provide you with an opportunity to talk to your son’s teachers about his progress to date and next steps in his learning. Further information about these interviews, including instructions for booking interview times, will be emailed to parents on Monday, 20 July.
You will no doubt have noticed the new format for this communication. Hopefully, this will make our newsletters easier to navigate for our community and consequently help you to find the information pertinent to your son and of interest to you.
Thank you for your continuing support as we look forward to another busy, challenging and fulfilling term developing educated men of outstanding character.
Yours faithfully,
D M Bovey