PNBHS — Mar 29, 2021

The United Nations Association of New Zealand has held regional secondary school speech awards for over 35 years. This year the competition will again be held online in light of the ongoing COVID19 situation.

Students must speak for a minimum of 6 minutes and no longer than 8 minutes and must make a particular reference to the aims, work and aspirations of the United Nations. The topic that students are asked to address is:

“The role of the United Nations (and its broader system, including for example, the WHO) in addressing global challenges such as COVID-19 reinforces the need for governments, NGOs, the private sector and people everywhere to support and develop the United Nations. What should this support and development look like?”

It is suggested that the UN Website and UNA NZ website be explored. Students are encouraged to do their own research though, and add their own perspective. Certificates are awarded to all who participate. The deadline for entries is 30 June 2021. The winner will be announced on 31 August 2021.

Students can apply by submitting a recording of them delivering their speech via the online form:

For any queries please contact or