Hero photograph
Ben Cen - BOT Representative Candidate
Photo by PNBHS

Ben Cen


Hey, I’m Ben and I will be running for student representative 2021. Here are some reasons why I’m running for this position. I do many sports and tons of theatre and also is in the accelerated program which you could consider me as an allrounder, and have more a perspective on what needs to be changed around the school life. I have also been in the student forum for the past two years and has given me a great insight into what the students want to be changed within the school. The main changes I want to benefit the school and students are; a year 13 and year 12 recreation room. Where we can cook and microwave food in this room at lunchtime and interval where I will also try to add some bean bags, some games, and a TV. This is so you can bring in some popcorn to microwave or like microwavable lasagna etc. Another change would be to have a learning program like tutoring under stressful situations e.g. lockdown we had this year. This will benefit students who had trouble learning online and cope with the problems they had during this time. My final main change is to add some new life courses for seniors and even juniors. Where the courses will benefit your life outside of school and into university, whether they happen once a week or for a whole term/year we could have classes for like changing a tyre of a car or learning how to cook or even some self-defense lessons, this will benefit crucial life things we need to learn. I could even add some NCEA credits, so taking these courses may add to your NCEA life. I have also been thinking about adding more competition for Shand Sheild for example a handball tournament, badminton competition, and go karting races.

These are the very few reasons why I think I should get your vote for being your student representative 2021, remember voting for me will also be voting for what you want to be changed for your own liking in this school. Thanks!