PNBHS — May 4, 2021

Our annual Anzac Service is part of a long tradition at Palmerston North Boys’ High School of honouring the service and sacrifices of our Old Boys, as well as those of all New Zealanders, who have served in our armed forces in war and in peace, both overseas and at home in Aotearoa. Thank you to our special guests who attended, in particular Old Boy and Wing Commander RNZAF Mr. Tim Costley, who lead the service, and to the Royal New Zealand Air Force for their support in providing the flyover.  Thank you also to our young men who showed their Tū Whakaaute|Respect for those who have served New Zealand in the armed forces, especially those whose lives were lost.

Thank you also to 2009 Dux Artium William Rowe, who was the bagpiper at our Anzac Service. William led the official party into the hall for the beginning of the service and played the lament as the wreaths were laid.

PNBHS Anzac Service 2021 — Image by: PNBHS

Thank you to Prefects Blake Storrier and Thomas van Stipriaan, who delivered the annual Anzac Address.  The Anzac Address described the school and wartime experiences of two of our Old Boys who lost their lives in compat 80 years ago in 1941. Blake spoke about George W. Arlidge who attended PNBHS in 1935, while Thomas described the school life and military service of Evan Trewby, who attended PNBHS from 1922-1925.

PNBHS Anzac Service 2021 — Image by: PNBHS
PNBHS Anzac Service 2021 — Image by: PNBHS

Our young men walked in silence along the memorial pathway on the front lawn of the school. The pathway, leading from the Memorial Gallery to the Gallipoli Oak, was lined with crosses to remember the 203 Old Boys of Palmerston North Boys’ High School who lost their lives in World War One, World War Two and the Falklands Campaign. Each cross bears the photograph, service number, rank and name of the Old Boy it represents. These crosses are a vivid reminder of the sacrifices made by so many.

PNBHS Anzac Service 2021 — Image by: PNBHS

Thank you to Old Boys and ex-servicemen Mr. Alan Cull (PNBHS 1937 – 1939) and Mr. Jim Kelly (PNBHS 1938 – 1942) who laid a wreath on the Gallipoli Oak on behalf of the Old Boys of Palmerston North Boys’ High School. After the service Mr. Kelly described his emotions as the World War Two Roll of Honour – the names of the 132 Old Boys of the school who lost their lives – was read as he personally knew nearly all of them and had been at school with many of them. We sincerely thank Mr. Cull, Patron of the PNBHS Old Boys Association, and Mr. Kelly, who travelled from Auckland especially to attend, for joining us again this year for our Anzac Service.

PNBHS Anzac Service 2021 — Image by: PNBHS

Head Prefect Jacob Dredge and Year 9 student Michael Kelly – the youngest student at PNBHS in 2021 – laid a wreath on the flagpole on behalf of the students and staff of Palmerston North Boys’ High School.

PNBHS Anzac Service 2021 — Image by: PNBHS

Thank you to Prefect and 2019 Dux Artium Joe Inman, who played the Last Post and Reveille, while Deputy Head Prefect Jonty Fleck lowered and then raised the New Zealand flag.

PNBHS Anzac Service 2021 — Image by: PNBHS
PNBHS Anzac Service 2021 — Image by: PNBHS

The service concluded with a flyover from the RNZAF.

PNBHS Anzac Service 2021 — Image by: PNBHS