Year 10 Camp -Tongariro Northern Circuit
PNBHS - December 7, 2022
This camp was to involve completing the Great Walk of the Northern Circuit over four days. 12 boys set out from the Chateau Tongariro on this walk. The first afternoon involved a three hour walk to Mangatepopo Hut camp site. Some students found this challenging which led to a re-appraisal of the former plan. The next day, Mr Johnson walked back to get a van, while the rest of the boys completed a walk to Soda Springs at the Mangatepopo Valley head.
That night was then spent camping in a nearby campsite, before driving around to the desert road track entrance to the Waihohonu Hut – our original destination for the 3rd night of the Great Walk. The 1½ hour walk was easily completed, even though in the rain. A comfortable night was spent in the luxurious Waihohonu Hut. The last day saw a short walk to a large spring, and the old hut, before walking out. The last night was spent in a lodge in Ohakune, with fish and chips for tea.
Even though the aim for completing the walk was not achieved, a great alternative tramp occurred, and a lot was learned by all students, none of whom had ever carried a full pack on an overnight tramp.