Hero photograph
Mau Rākau - Waiouru
Photo by PNBHS

Mau Rākau - Waiouru


Ka tohi atu koe
Ki te tohi nuku 

Ki te tohi rangi 

Kia tū pakoko tawhito hei ringaringa mau taiaha mōku, mōu, mō tātou.

Haumi e Hui e 

Taiki e.

Te Whare Tū Taua o Aotearoa is a school of Māori weaponry designed to develop a person's well-being. The Māori Language and Māori traditions are weaved through the art of taiaha. It is an opportunity for all students to be exposed to the Māori world.

Wānanga 1 – Rakatepauma Marae, Waiouru.

Matua te Mana kei runga, Rakatepauma kei raro, Ngāti Rangi ki te whaiao! Kōrero i te wānangananga. Whiua ki te uta, whiua ki tai. He pō, he ao, he ao mārama.

The group were fortunate to travel to Rakatepauma Marae, Waiouru to attend the first wānanga for the year. There were wonderful discussions on belonging, identity, and culture at the wānanga which gave the students inspiration. They really enjoyed meeting new and old friends, and that’s one the beautiful things about this kaupapa.

There was an opportunity to go into the Waiouru Army Camp of Ngāti Tūmatauenga where a training session for the day was conducted. It was an eye opener for all students in terms of the fighting techniques and the level of physical contact. 

Many thanks to Matua Tony Brooking along with his fellow members of the army who oversaw the wānanga. I would like to acknowledge whaea Karen Kahukoti and pā Terry Mason for taking your time out to come and experience this kaupapa. Very much appreciated the support. To the students, thank you all for lending your ears, your eyes, your hands, and legs throughout the wānanga. You never complained.