PNBHS — Dec 6, 2021

On the Monday of camp week, we met at school at 8:30 and got on the road at 9. When we got to camp we unpacked our stuff and relaxed for the rest of the day. At the top 10 holiday home, we were staying at had a pool we went in pretty much every day. On Tuesday we went to the Redwoods and rode our bikes all day. It was awesome they had some really good tracks there. We did the same thing on Wednesday and rode some more epic trails but we didn't ride all day because that night we went and did the Redwoods tree walk. It was cool, it was night time so they had all the lights on. On the last day at camp on Thursday, we went to the luge and had an awesome time. We would wait around the corner at the start and then all go down together. It was chaos. That night we packed our bags so we could leave early that morning and that was Redwoods camp 2021 over.

Written by Oliver Coombes