Hero photograph
Te Kura (Correspondence School) Summer School Registrations are Now Open
Photo by Te Kura

Te Kura (Correspondence School) Summer School Registrations are Now Open

Te Kura —

Te Kura Summer School is a good backup option for ākonga who need some extra help to get them across the line.

Registrations are now open, and we offer a range of internal standards at NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3. Our qualified kaiako (teachers) are already gearing up for Summer School, and will be available online to support ākonga over the summer break.

It’s great to see from the feedback we get from ākonga that for them, summer study can be life-changing. And our research shows that many ākonga who come to us learn about what we offer from their own schools and kaiako.

Our Student and Whānau Support team is available to answer any Summer School queries. Please phone 0800 65 99 88 option 5, or email summerschool@tekura.school.nz.

Te Kura Summer School 2023 Online Information Sessions for Whānau

Wednesday 15 November

6:30pm – 7:30pm

Topic - Supporting ākonga to submit their application


Thursday 16 November

6:30pm – 7:30pm

Top[ic - Supporting ākonga to submit their application
