Hero video
NCEA Information Presentation 2022
Video by PNBHS

NCEA Information Presentation


Please find attached below a copy of the 2022 NCEA external examination timetable.

While these examinations are still some time away and unlikely to receive much consideration in the near future, it is vital that your son is aware of any examination clashes which may result from his choice of subjects.

Situations in which two examinations clash, i.e. are scheduled to take place at the same time, can generally be managed with little disruption and are essentially no different to having two examinations scheduled on one day. However, should your son have a clash requiring him to sit three examinations in one day, the situation is more complicated and places him in a position from which it may be difficult to successfully undertake all three examinations. In such situations, a change to his school subjects may be necessary.

Please work with your son to check the examination timetable. If any examination clashes are identified please have your son register with me at school so that the implications can be discussed and managed.

At the top of this article you can access an NCEA Information Presentation.  This presentation is usually delivered face-to-face but has been recorded as a video given the current Covid situation. This presentation is intended to provide parents with an overview of the assessment system and will be of most interest to those who are ‘new’ to NCEA.

Also attached to this communication is a copy of our NCEA Policies and Procedures document. I encourage you to work with your son to ensure that he is familiar with the relevant information in this document.

The NZQA website (www.nzqa.govt.nz) is a very useful reference point for both students and parents and contains a wealth of subject specific information.

Should you have any questions relating to NCEA please feel free to contact me or Miss Sue Taylor, the NZQA Principal’s Nominee (taylors@pnbhs.school.nz).

Yours faithfully,

Gerard Atkin