PNBHS — Oct 12, 2020

The busy lead-in to the end of the 2020 school year has started in earnest.

As well as welcoming back our young men for this important term, it has especially pleasing to be able to share with our school community a wide range of student involvement and success from the recent school holidays.  While it is easy to dwell on the disruptions that 2020 has brought with it, it is also important that we recognise the positives and the manner in which so many young men have embraced the opportunities available to them is one of these.  We hope that you enjoy reading about many of these achievements in this Weekly Update.

We are pleased to be able to hold full school assemblies again now that we have returned to Alert level One.  Our assemblies provide an opportunity for our young men and staff to come together to celebrate student involvement and success in all aspects of school life - an important part of 'who we are' as a school that has been missing for a good part of 2020.  

Ko te pae tawhiti, whāia kia tata; ko te pae tata, whakamaua kia tīna | Seek out distant horizons and cherish those you attain

Enabling young men to see and hear about the achievements of their peers and Old Boys - those who have occupied the same spaces that they do now - very vividly shows what is possible with a determined and focused attitude and effort.

Tū Māia – Humility 

While most of us will understand Tū Māia | Humility in terms of being humble about one's achievements, it is also a virtue that can be applied to academic work.  If we are humble about our academic progress and achievement - in particular recognising the content that we do not understand or remember - we are more likely to be honest in our appraisal of both our progress and the next steps in our learning.  An honest appraisal will help young men to organise their study regime effectively as it is essential that more time is spent revising content that they find difficult.

Advice to help young men at all year levels with their preparations for the upcoming examinations can be found further in this Weekly Update.