Hero photograph
Year 9 SSR in the Speirs Centre
Photo by PNBHS

Year 9 Students and Whānau - Week 2 Information


Below is information to help new students and their whānau to become familiar with some of the things that will happen during week two of the year - hopefully, this will help to reduce some of the anxiety many young men will be feeling as they prepare to start their secondary schooling.

Monday, February 8th

Waitangi Day Public Holiday observed – SCHOOL CLOSED

Tuesday, February 9th

8.45am - Form Time with Form Teacher

8.55am - Assembly in the school hall

9.30am - Year 9 Athletics and Sports Talent Identification – school fields (PE uniform, sunscreen and school cap required). Please note: students attend school in normal school uniform.

1.20pm - Lunch

2.10pm - Timetabled period 5 class (Day 7)

3.20pm - End of school

Wednesday, February 10th

8.45am - Extended Form Time to allow for entries for the school Athletics Championships to be taken

9.05am - Assembly in the school hall

9.30am - Timetabled period 1 class (Day 8 of the school timetable)

10.15am - Timetabled period 2 class

11.10am - Interval

11.30am - Music Aptitude Testing – Speirs Centre

12.25pm - Timetabled period 4 class

1.20pm - Lunch

2.10pm - Timetabled period 5 class

3.20pm - End of school

Thursday, February 11th

8.45am - Assembly in the school hall (note change to start of day arrangements)

9.05am - Form Time with Form Teacher

9.20am - Timetabled period 1 class (Day 9 of the school timetable)

10.15am - Timetabled period 2 class

11.10am - Interval

11.30am - Timetabled period 3 class

12.25pm - Timetabled period 4 class

1.20pm - Lunch

2.10pm - Music Demonstration – Speirs Centre (SSR book required)

3.20pm - End of school

Friday, February 12th


Form Time, followed by assembly and the normal Day 10 school timetable.