PNBHS — Dec 2, 2021

It has been a privilege again this week to see the dedication, determination and positive involvement of so many young men in school life recognised with the presentation of Year 10 Barrowclough Award certificates and with awards at the Junior Prizegiving.  This year we added new awards to recognise the young men who had shown the greatest academic improvement from their mid-year to end-of-year examinations.  Having had the opportunity to read the reports for many of these young men there is a clear connection between attiude, effort and achievement.  

Nihil Boni Sine Labore - Nothing Acheived Without Hard Work

Well done to all young men who have worked consistently throughout the year and who are positively engaged in school life.  You have made the most of the opportunities available to you and have set yourself up for further academic progress and achievement.

For those young men whose approach during the year has not been so positive, the summer break will provide an opportunity for genuine reflection and to determine what they want to achieve and the sort of young man they want to become.  

Ko te pae tawhiti, whāia kia tata; ko te pae tata, whakamaua kia tīna  |  Seek out distant horizons and cherish those you attain

Parents play an integral role in this process and the support you provide your son in reviewing his performance during the year is essential.  Such conversations need to move beyond whether the year was simply 'good' or 'bad' and identify the specific things your son will do differently next year so that he can ensure he builds upon his progress to date and can take full advantage of the opportunities available to him.  We, like you, want him to achieve his potential and become the best version of himself that he can.  Lofty goals perhaps, but goals that are acheiveable with a deliberate and intentional approach.

Will Durant Quote

Recently, many young men in Year 9 had the opportunity to hear from former 'Tampa refugee' Abbas Nazari, who told his phenomenal tale of escape and survival and recounted the challenges of arriving in a country he'd never even heard of, where a language was spoken that none of his family knew, without any possesions or support network.  His message about the importance of confronting challenges, rather than seeking to avoid them, is an important one

Virtues for the Modern World?

This short video clip (4 minutes) explores the virtues that help us to thrive in our contemporary world - resilience, empathy, patitence, sacrifice, politeness, humour, self-awareness, forgiveness, hope and confidence.  Do you agree that these virtues are important for your son?  What steps have you taken to develop the virtues you believe are important?  It's never too late to work on one's character, but a plan on where you're going and how to get there is essential.

How to become a better person The School of Life

We wish everyone in our school community a safe and relaxing break over the summer holiday.  Meri Kirihimete - Merry Christmas. Thank you for your support of your sons and PNBHS during the challenges of 2021 and we look forward to continuing our relationship in 2022.