PNBHS — Aug 22, 2021

Our weekly book reviews have moved online while we are under higher Alert Level restrictions.  Reading is a great habit and one that can support academic progress. Book reviews in assembly expose our young men to a range of different authors and genres and thanks to Mr. Moore for providing us with our first video book review - Orphan X written by Gregg Hurwitz.

Thanks also to Year 12 student Josh Bergerson who provided our second video book review, 'Bounce', written by Matthew Syed.

Josh Bergerson Book Review PNBHS

While the sudden move to Alert Level 4 will have caught many of us out, there are lots of online options for reading.  The Palmerston North City Library also has a wide range of digital reading options.

Reading Quote - Dr. Seuss — Image by: PNBHS