Athletics Championships - Thursday, 13 March

Please see information below regarding the School Athletics Championship and the expectations we have of all boys on this day.

I would like to invite and encourage you to join us at the Manawatu Community Athletics Track at Massey University on Thursday, 13 March.

The Athletics Championships begin promptly at 8.45am and will conclude at approximately 3.00pm.  This day is treated as a normal school day, students are expected to wear correct school uniform to and from the track and they will change into correct club uniform for events at the track (white shorts and club singlet).  It is advisable to bring wet weather gear in case the weather changes during the day. This is a school day and normal school rules will apply. A roll call will be taken during the day to check on attendance.

Students will be given their event number/s for the Athletic Championships by the end of the day on Tuesday, 11 March.

Below is important information on the day's proceedings:

·             Students in events 1 - 17. Ideally students in events 1-17 should make their own way to the track and should be there in time for the start of their event(s) at 8.15am. Students must allow time to warm up before their events. Should students in events 1-17 not be able to make their own way out to the track, a bus will leave from North Street at 7.45am sharp.

.             Students in events 18 onwards – Need to be at school by 8.45am and will be transported on the first bus out to the track.

·             All non-competing junior students - Need to be at school by 9.15am and will be bused out to the track once the competitors have been transported. Students that are bussed out to the track will also return to school on a bus at the end of the day. We prefer students not to travel out to the track by car and ideally, students should not cycle or walk to the track.

.             All non-competing senior students – Need to be at school by 9.30am and will be bused out the track. We prefer students not to travel out to the track by car and ideally, students should not cycle or walk to the track.

·             Students who have school permission to bring a motor vehicle to school.  It is preferable that these students drive to PNBHS as per normal and then travel out to the track on the bus unless they live very close to the track. Students with vehicle permits do not have permission to transport other students unless they have the school’s permission in writing.  It is preferable students do not to drive out to the track in their cars.  

·             Bus Students - students who normally travel by bus to school are to catch their bus as normal and will then be bused out to the track. Buses will be returning to the school in time for bus students to catch their normal bus.

·             Returning back to school.  All students returning by bus will be back at school by 3.20pm.

.             College House students - All College House students will be transported out to the track and back and will be informed of the details prior to Thursday, 13 March.

·             All our young men will be outside all day, and I highly would recommend that they bring appropriate sunscreen and a sunhat.  Some shade and sunscreen will be available at this facility, but I encourage students to act responsibly to ensure they are protected from the sun.  In between events students should wear their school shirt to protect themselves from the effects of the sun. It is highly recommended that all competitors wear appropriate footwear suitable for the track surface.

·             Students should bring their lunch as they would on a normal school day.  A canteen will also be operating at the ground.  I would recommend that students bring a water bottle on the day as water will be available at the track to refill their bottles.

·             Parents, if you are joining us for some part of the day, please use the Old West Road entry to Massey University. Spectator car parking is alongside the new hockey turf car park area. Access is off Albany Drive.  PLEASE NOTE - no parking is available at the Rugby Institute. Do not park on the grass verge on Albany Drive.

Traditionally, our Athletics Championships is an extremely positive and rewarding day on our school calendar for students, parents and staff.

I wish all young men and their clubs the very best for a successful day and welcome you to be part of the 2025 Athletics Championships.

If the sports are postponed this will be announced via More FM (from 7.30am onwards) on the morning of the Athletics Championships and students are expected to attend school as normal.  Should an alternative day be necessary a decision will be made when weather conditions allow.  Should you have any queries please contact the school office.


D M Bovey


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