Stuart Leighton, Bruce Hemara, Maurice Gloyn by PNBHS

Attention PNBHS Old Boys

PNBHS Old Boys AssociationOctober 19, 2023

We would love you to update your contact details with us, as we have huge gaps in our database.

Dear Old Boys 

If you wouldn't mind please click on the link below or use the QR code, this will direct you to our contacts page so you can then update your contact details.

We have lots of addresses and phone numbers of your parents from when you attended PNBHS, but we are missing so many of your email addresses, cell phone numbers and physical addresses. 

We would love to keep in touch with you and would love to share with you the things that are happening at your old school and within the Old Boys' Association. Too often people are missing out on gatherings in their region or events around the country and globe! 

Please send this far and wide to all your PNBHS Old Boy contacts, please help us grow the PNBHS Old Boys' Association.

If you have any queries, please get in touch with Rachel Wenham:

Click here to take you to the Contact Details Form 

QR Code:

Image by: Rachel Wenham

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