Whanganui Round the Lake Relay by PNBHS

Whanganui Round the Lake Relay

Earlier this term two PNBHS teams competed in the annual Whanganui Round the Lake Relay. In the worst conditions experienced at this event since its advent in 1968, we were represented by a Year 9 team and a Senior Boys development team in a 4 x 2km relay around Virginia Lake.

This event traditionally attracts hundreds of athletes from the Lower North Island and this year’s fields were large and very competitive.

The Y9 team of Brodie Bennett, Grayson Cattle, Filip Martin and Micah Steinmetz were placed 3rd out of 16 teams and had their certificates presented at assembly.

Whanganui Round the Lake Relay - Junior Team — Image by: PNBHS

The Senior Development team of Reuben Duker, Jonathan Jamieson, James Bayliss and Joel Fountain were placed 6th out of 27 teams.

Whanganui Round the Lake Relay — Image by: PNBHS

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