Andrew Tate – Misogyny, Racism and Discrimination
Andrew Tate is likely a familiar name to many parents of teenage boys. However, not everyone may be aware of the controversial views he promotes. Tate's ideas have sparked both outrage and support from people around the world, ranging from his beliefs about fitness and nutrition to his opinions on women and relationships. Unfortunately, many of his ideas are harmful to young men.
One area where Tate's views are particularly problematic is his attitude towards women. In his social media posts and videos, he has made derogatory comments about women and perpetuated harmful stereotypes about their behaviour and intelligence. In one 2019 video, he claims that women are inherently more emotional than men and that this makes them unsuitable for positions of power. He has also made comments about how women should dress and behave, implying that their worth is tied to their appearance and their ability to please men.
These views are not only deeply sexist but also fuel a culture of misogyny and perpetuate harmful stereotypes. They also contribute to a culture of harassment and violence against women, as men who share Tate's views may feel emboldened to treat women in a disrespectful or abusive manner. That we are seeing some young men positively reference Tate's ideas in their academic work is of significant concern and evidence that some of his sexist ideas are influencing young men in our community.
Another area where Tate's views are concerning is his attitude towards mental health. In a 2020, video posted on his YouTube channel he argued that people struggling with their mental health are "weak" and that they should simply "man up" and deal with their problems. He went on to say that "mental illness is a choice" and that people with mental health problems are "making excuses" for their behaviour. These comments ignore the fact that mental illness is a complex issue. By perpetuating the idea that mental illness is a weakness or a personal failing, Tate is contributing to a culture that stigmatises and marginalises those who are experiencing challenges with their wellbeing. Dangerous messages indeed for young men to be absorbing.
Tate's views about race and ethnicity are also very problematic. In his videos he has made derogatory comments about people from different ethnic backgrounds, promoting harmful stereotypes and promoting a culture of racism and xenophobia.
Globally, men, and young men in particular, are overrepresented in a range of harmful statistics, a pattern that also applies to New Zealand. Men are likely to underperform in education (in New Zealand females achieve NCEA qualifications at higher levels than males; males are more likely than females to leave school without a qualification; and females make up approximately two-thirds of university graduates with a bachelor's degree), males make up approximately 90% of the prison population, males are significantly more likely than females to injure or kill themselves or someone else in a car crash, males are overrepresented in suicide statistics and significantly overrepresented in drowning statistics. Male life expectancy is lower than female life expectancy. Unfortunately, these statistics and the drivers behind them have fashioned an environment in which a lack of male 'purpose' has created a willing and growing audience for Tate and others of his ilk.
Many of Tate's perspectives are deeply offensive and likely contribute to sexist and discriminatory behaviour. His views are harmful and misguided, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and promoting a culture of discrimination and inequality. As a school, we do not condone or support these views and they go against the values we promote and want to see in our young men.
If your son mentions Andrew Tate or any other online 'influencers' promoting concerning attitudes towards groups of people in our society, we encourage you to enter into a conversation with him. Simply shutting him down and telling him he's wrong is unlikely to be effective. However, challenging his views and asking whether they truly apply to the people in his life may be a good starting point. It is important to teach our young men to respect and value all individuals, regardless of gender, race, or mental health status.
Andrew Tate’s violent, misogynistic teachings are seeping into classrooms
Inside the violent, misogynistic world of TikTok’s new star, Andrew Tate