Winter Sport Registrations by PNBHS

Winter Sport Registrations - Badminton, Basketball, Football, Hockey, Rugby & Table Tennis

PNBHSFebruary 28, 2023

All young men are encouraged to involve themselves in school co-curricular activities and many young men do so over the winter season, with a number playing more than one sport.

In 2022, 100 young men played Badminton, 329 played Basketball, 239 played Football, 118 played Hockey, 428 played Rugby and 67 played Table Tennis. With these numbers, we are able to provide opportunities for young men of all abilities, including those picking up a sport for the first time. We do encourage young men to consider their co-curricular involvement in a manner that provides balance with other aspects of their lives.


Trials for young men who wish to be considered for the Senior A and B or Junior A teams will be held later this term in Week 9. For those who enjoy the game of badminton or want to give it a go, there is a 12-week secondary school competition organised by Badminton Manawatu for Junior and Senior teams of 4. It is on every Monday after school in the second and third terms at Arena Manawatu on Pascal Street from May to August, 2023.

For details of how to register and for more information, please see the Badminton page on Stratus:

Mrs. M. Young-Wilson, Teacher in charge of Badminton -


In general, games are played at the B & M Centre, Pascal Street, from 4.00 pm on Friday nights, with the junior teams usually drawn earlier in the evening. There may be some games involving two PNBHS teams played at school. Junior premier teams will have a coach attached to the team and have organised practices. Junior social teams will have a PNBHS staff member or two members of the Premier A as managers and normally do not have organised practices.

For details of how to register and for more information, please see the Basketball page on Stratus:

Once registered boys are able to make up social teams so that they can play with their friends.

In Week 9 of this term, all boys not already in teams will be allocated a team to play for.

Dr. Mark Smith

Teacher in Charge of Basketball –


Registrations for Football open on March 6th.

Games are played on Saturday at either 09:00am or 10:30am. The venue for games will vary, usually at schools across the Manawatu. Our home games are played at Colquhoun Park. The season will start on the first Saturday of Term Two, April 29th. Junior teams of all grades will have a coach attached to the team and have organised practices.

For details of how to register and for more information, please see the Football page on Stratus:

Trials for all of our Junior teams will take place across weeks seven, eight, and nine of the first school term. Information about the trials and how to register for them can be found by following the link above.

Mr. William Hodge

Teacher in Charge of Football -


PNBHS has a range of hockey teams ranging from 1st XI through to the 5th XI as well as three U15 junior teams. These teams cater for all abilities ranging from competitive to social. Matches are played on weekday evenings (Monday to Thursday), depending on the grade. The exception to this is the 1st XI who compete in the Intercity Competition on Thursday and also in the Manawatu Mens Division Two Competition played on Saturday afternoon. Matches are primarily played at the Twin Turfs on Manawaroa Street or at Massey University. Occasionally matches are played in Feilding. All 11-a-side teams are accompanied by a coach and/or manager and train during the week.

For details of how to register and for more information, please see the Hockey page on Stratus:

Mr. Richard Fogarty

Teacher in Charge of Hockey –


Games are played in the Manawatu region on Saturdays. Our home field is Coronation Park. The starting times of the games will depend on the team your son is selected for. Rugby starts in Term 2 on Saturday, May 6th.

For details of how to register and for more information, please see the rugby page on Stratus:

Once registered and fees have been paid via internet banking, the boys will be able to trial for teams. Information on trial dates will be advertised in about two weeks time.

Boys can start registering through the Rugby Stratus page from 6th March.

Mr. Brett Greer

Teacher in Charge of Rugby –

Table Tennis

Table Tennis at PNBHS is available to boys from Year 9 to Year 13. It is held at the Barber Hall, on Waldegrave St, on Thursday evenings from 6.00pm to 8.00pm during Terms 2 and 3.

Players can register to play in both Terms 2 and 3 which will cost $80 or just Term 2 ($40). If a player only wants to play in Term 3, these registrations will be collected later in the year.

Boys are encouraged to make up their own teams of THREE. However, all players must register individually and include their Team Name as part of the registration. If a player wants to register without team-mates, he will be allocated to a team once all registrations have been received. These players should enter "No Team" on their registration.

Term 2 Table Tennis will start on Thursday 27 April and end on Thursday 22 June (or Thursday 29 June if a reserve day is required).

The contact teacher for Table Tennis is Mr Paul Gibbs ( Mr Gibbs' office is in the Senior Masters corridor at PNBHS.

Registrations for both Terms 2 and 3 as well as just Term 2 are invited now. Registrations close on Tuesday 4 April at 4.00pm.

To register, enter your name, the names of you TWO other team members and your team’s name on the Registration Form using the link below and pay the required fee via internet banking. Payment details are below and on the registration form.

Payment of Registration Fees

Registration is not complete until the associated fees, outlined on the relevant Stratus pages at the links above, have been paid or an arrangement for payment made with the Finance Office. Our preference is for payment to be made via internet banking. However, Eftpos is available at the Finance Office should this not be possible.

Bank Account: Palmerston North Boys' High School

Bank Name: Westpac Trust

Bank Account Number: 03 0726 0476403 00

Please reference the payment with the name of the sport followed by your son's student ID number.

If your son is at College House or your son's school account is in credit, please email the finance office to sign up for any winter sport at or 06 354 5176 ext 799.

I look forward to seeing many of you on the sidelines during the busy winter sports season as you support your sons and PNBHS.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Peter Finch


Donations of Used Football and Rugby Boots — Image by: PNBHS

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