PNBHS Prefects 2021 by PNBHS

2021 Prefects

Congratulations to the young men selected in the 2021 Prefect group.

Young men are selected as Prefects on the basis of the leadership they have demonstrated at school, through displaying the school values of Tū Māia | Courage, Ngākau Mahaki | Humility, Te mahi tahi | Industry, Tū Rangatira | Integrity, Tū Whakahī | Pride and Tū Whakaaute | Respect and their positive involvement in all aspects of school life.

A thorough selection process is undertaken with student nominations, staff votes, senior student votes and a selection panel including the Head and Deputy Head Prefect. 

The 2021 Prefect group is: Max Barber, Henry Bayliss, Cody Borlase, Lachie Bradford, Josh Campbell , Sebastien Cave, Ben Cen, Sam Coles, Jack Crafts, Tamati Durie-McGrath, Mehnoor Ghumann, Jayden Glentworth, Jack Gordon, Curtis Heaphy, William Hince, John Hopcroft, Joe Inman, Ben Irvine, Callum Kennett, Lawrence Leung-Wai, Angus Lyver, Tusi Mafi, Sam McFadzean, Ben Mori, Thomas Mortiboy, Blake Rhodes-Robinson, Oliver Sexton, Varanjit Singh, Eugene Stassen, Corey Stewart, Blake Storrier, Levi Timms, Dan van der Spuy, Thomas van Stipriaan, Tom Varne, Michael Watkins, Aki Wickes-Matakaiongo and Karlis Zvagulis.

We look forward to watching these young men grow and develop their leadership skills during the year.

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