Simon O'Connor Old Boys' President  by PNBHS

From the President...

Hi Old Boys,

 We are well into Term Two and with the recent change to the traffic light settings it means we can start planning our Old Boys Events for 2022. We are excited about the catch ups and events we have planned.

Our Anzac Service was held on Friday 13th May, it is great to have our Old Boys as part of this service. Alan Cull at a spritely 98 years old, laid The Old Boys Wreath along with Brigadier Evan Torrence.

We had a great gathering in Napier on Friday 3rd June, which saw Joe Schmidt entertain us with many stories, this was the Friday night before the Polson Banner 1st XV game, which was held early this year due to the Napier BHS celebration of their 150th Jubilee. Later in the year there will be opportunities for Old Boys to catch up at the PN Old Boys Dinner (September 16th), Old Boys Golf Day (September 18th) at the Manawatu Golf Club, Old Boys Sports Day (October 21st) and then on Friday November 25th we are putting together an exciting event, The "Slog Sweep at Fitzherbert Park".

 The Slog Sweep is two teams of talented and recognisable sportsmen competing in a 20/20 cricket game. Slog Sweep is taken from Ross Taylor's signature shot and in acknowledgment of his contribution to NZ Cricket. Ross will be on the park, as long as CD do not have a game that day. Jacob Oram, Jamie How, Mathew Sinclair, Andre Taylor, Kurt Baker, Nick Wilson, Ruben Love, Mark Finlay are a few of the names that will be out there. It will be one great occasion if you can [unreadable] information to get your tickets.

We are also trying to revisit Auckland. After such an entertaining get together there last year, we are keen to come back.

Stu and Dave are also trying to work in some dates to visit Melbourne and Sydney later in the year. Then there is Wellington and Christchurch to visit.

Progress is being made on the plans for the new Old Boys' Pavilion and All Weather Turf - good things take time!!

Our Old Boys' Association could not survive without the strong support we receive from you all. We love hearing from you. Please continue to stay in touch. Send us news and call into see us.

I look forward to seeing many of you across the many events we are planning in 2022.

Simon O'Connor

President, PNBHS Old Boys' Association.

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